No pain, Just love
I feel so selfish, wishing that he was here. If he was here, he would be in pain. He would be on numerous medications, preparing for a kidney transplant. That was the "the best outcome" diagnosis. If he survived, we would be jumping through hoops to keep him alive. It seems so selfish. I know he had to go because his life wasn't meant to be full of pain and struggles. His life was supposed to only know love. He lived for 34 weeks and 5 days in my womb. My womb of love. We formed a bond, we knew eachother, we loved eachother and that love, that bond continues to grow. I understand why he had to go, but accepting that is a completely different story. I look forward to the day I get to hold him and see that he has known no pain, just love. Every morning I wake up knowing its one more day closer to seeing you again. I love you Oliver