Those last few days..
Every single day since I have met my beautiful baby boy - I have replayed the last few days I got to spend with him. I vividly remember sitting at work, drinking a soda, trying to get him moving. I remember slowly and silently starting to panic. I went to my moms as usual after work, had another soda, then went home. Did the doppler at home and noticed his heartbeat wasn't as high as normal. I didn't mention any of my worries to my husband, I wanted to give it some more time before I put worry in everyone else. I went to sleep that night and noticed I didn't feel his midnight dance party. That morning I didn't go to work. I waited for Andrew to leave the house, then I took the doppler out. Nothing. No heartbeat. I called my mom's cell. No answer (and naturally I called several times, as one does when someone doesn't answer their first call). I called my parents house and talked to my dad. He offered to come pick me up, but I said I would just drive over. I calle...