Angel Baby, Earth Mama

This year marks my second Mother's Day. I am not sure how I feel. A part of me feels numb. I am still in awe that we have been blessed with Olive and I am still in shock that Oliver is gone. My heart is in so many pieces. It is so full yet holds a void. I am so thankful that I was chosen to be their mother. My life is so full because of them. My short time with Oliver made me a mother and I am forever grateful. Shortly after Oliver left, my handsome Godson came to live with me. He was such a healing for my heart, yet I still felt empty. Jaxin is such a blessing and I am so honored to be in his life. My house is full of love and laughter, but when all is still, that is my time with Oliver. When I get to day dream about what he would be wearing, eating, watching, playing. Not a day goes by that I don't sit and imagine where he would be when we are all together. This Mother's Day, I pray for all of the mamas in this world that have to look into the sky and say "I lo...