
Showing posts from July, 2014

26 Years

My birthday has come - now 26 years young. For as long as I can remember I have had a goal that I wanted to have kids by the time I was 25. I am 26 years old, have a great job, am married and have TWO beautiful kids. I am also blessed with my Godson, who I get to wake up to everyday. We tend to plan everything out in life, at least people of my personality type. I set goals, and I aim to meet them. When I want something, I definitely set out to do it. My husband (at the time boyfriend) and I talked about getting pregnant, starting a family. I knew that I wanted to be a mother for most of my short life at that point. I wanted a baby to love and to hold and to watch grow up into an amazing being. That's what I wanted. I had shed many tears about this. Losing a baby at 17 years old, may have been a blessing in disguise, as I was too young to start that journey and not in a healthy relationship or environment to raise a baby. However, that doesn't mean the pain ever left. {If a...