Learning to Forgive

There is a part of me that feels very guilty for the pain we have endured from losing Oliver. I was the one who voiced how badly I wanted to have a baby. As soon as we found out we were pregnant, I told Andrew not to say anything because I would have a high chance of miscarriage. I never got my hopes up. I was able to be happy for about 3 weeks until we got the first bad scan. I have been angry at myself for the pain my husband has experienced, his heartache and loss. I have been angry at my body for failing me in keeping my son healthy and safe. I have harbored a lot of guilt, anger and blame in myself. I have wanted to find a way for me to work through this, to find some sort of peace. I had heard a lot of people talk about yoga in passing. I had humored the idea back and forth. I had crossed paths with a young woman back in our high school years and stumbled upon her Facebook and Instagram page. She was clearly into Yoga and had a lot to say about it. As I followed and r...