
Showing posts from September, 2014

You Never Know

It has almost been 2 years that Oliver has been gone. I remember that day so vividly. I can replay it moment by moment. I knew he had passed. I am not sure how I kept so calm. I didn't scream. I didn't throw a fit. I was definitely frantic. I remember the nurse doing the sonogram, looking for Oliver's hearbeat. She said there's a heartbeat I see, but its yours. My heart was pounding. I didn't need her to tell me that he was gone. I am his mother, I knew it. ... In the waiting room before this, I let the receptionist know that someone's car lights were on,a Honda. and if she knew who it was, to let them know. Mind you, I never see anyone I know in this office, EVER. So the day that I am there - to confirm the worst, I see a high school friend. Her brother was a close friend of mine and to many of my friends - [Chris Lembo "Lil C", may he rest in peace]. His sister, Erica, happened to be in the office that day, and coincidentally has a Honda. It was...