Jaxin's 4th Birthday

Today is Jaxin's 4th Birthday. It has been 4 beautiful years that this little boy has been changing our lives. I am so honored and blessed that I was chosen to be his Madrina (Godmother). It has been such a gift. As soon as he woke up this morning "Is my party ready?". This kid has been non-stop asking when people are going to "sing at him" and give him presents. It's adorable. His party is tomorrow -- I can't wait to see the crazy that is going down for that. I think this year he finally gets that it's a day all about him! This is how this morning went down. 7:20am - we are awake - Andrew is at work - so I am solo with Olive and Jaxin. 7:48am - the task of breakfast is still attempted. 7:56am - his dad calls - to sing him Happy Birthday - Jaxin cannot focus because they are not on face-time. 8:00am - face-time with his Dad and Megan -- singing Happy Birthday So far a success...... Olive has eaten, Jaxin is stil...