
Showing posts from March, 2016

34 weeks 5 days

I was 34 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy when it was time so say hello & goodbye to Oliver.  At 34 weeks and 5 days - my life as I knew it - would change.  During my pregnancy journey with Olive - I was filled with emotion approaching and passing this milestone.  And as we approach this date now, on our journey with Opal - the same emotions are flooding in. I find myself eagerly completing kick counts and checking in mentally and emotionally with all of my babies.  With each child my life has changed - for the better. I am still very much mourning Oliver and his transition from here with me to up above. I honestly don't know that the mourning will ever end. Nor, that I want it to.  Oliver would be - IS - three and a half years old today. I know that he held Olive's hand and guided her to me. And I know he is doing the same for Opal.  We are getting closer to our due date - and I ask only for continued love, prayers and positive vibes sent our way....