40 weeks 4 days with Opal Maize

40 Weeks & 4 days with Miss Opal Maize I am still pregnant with my third baby! It has definitely been a journey to this point. Hey Fun Fact!! Only FIVE percent of babies are born on their due date! And going to 42 weeks - is totally normal! Many people know this about me, and some don't. I have always wanted a natural home birth. I looked into it with Oliver - but at 12 weeks - we received his fatal diagnosis - and I knew we were going to have a different birth plan. At 34 weeks 5 days - our little man was born sleeping and called Home. The most beautiful and heartbreaking experience of my entire life. We were blessed to become pregnant with Olive just about 5 months after having Oliver. I went to a birth center and looked into a home birth as well. But I was still so raw. My heart needed so much healing. We never got the answers to why Oliver was sick. Did I need a NICU staff? Did we need immediate care for her? Who knew. So we stayed the ho...