It is always His plan, not our own.

I had a plan, that by the time I was twenty-five years old I would have had a child. I became pregnant when I was twenty three years old - on our first cycle of trying. We were both so shocked it happened so fast but so excited at the same time. At our very first appointment - about 9 weeks - we were told everything looked great. There was a heartbeat and a little peanut growing away. I had originally opted out of the NT scan between 12-13 weeks and then changed my mind. I wanted another ultrasound to have more pictures of my little bean. It was at that appointment that this plan of mine took a turn. We were told that we needed to see a high risk doctor and from that appointment on was just continued confirmation that our little boy had a fatal diagnosis. I was quickly reminded that it is never our plan but His above. We chose to carry to term despite his fatal diagnosis. I couldn't end my child's life - I was, am, and will always be his mother. I became an advocate for my so...