October 2017

6 weeks after I gave birth to Oliver, I went back to work. Since Oliver had passed away at birth, it was 6 weeks instead of 12. When I first found that out, I was upset. When those 6 weeks had passed, I felt like it was time for me to go back to work. I knew staying home wasn't going to bring him back - and it was time to adjust to my new normal. Going back to work was rough. I arrived back the first day and my stomach was in knots as soon as I got inside the building. I went to the bathroom and just cried. Today, I had that same feeling. I was feeling angry, upset, stressed. And then it all hit me. As soon as I put my things down at my desk, I had to rush to the bathroom and just sobbed. My body aches for my Oliver. The month of October will never be the same for me. I have not been feeling myself for the past few days - and maybe even the past few weeks - knowing that this month was coming up. October 25 - my baby boy - my first born - will turn 5 years old. It...