Dear Oliver
This letter was written to Oliver on April 14, 2016. While I was waiting for our Opal Maize to make her arrival. Dear Oliver I know it's been a while since I have written. I know we talk everyday - it's just different when I sit down to write you a note. I miss you so much. I love looking at your face. You're so handsome and adorable and my heart just longs for you to be in my arms. I miss you so much. I don't even have to close my eyes to see your face. Your always in vision. As your sisters birth approaches us - I can't help but think of the day you were born. I miss you so much. I can vividly remember the pain - going home without you. That was the worst feeling I have ever felt. But if taking that feeling away meant not being your mom - I wouldn't take that option. You are three and a half years old. I can just picture how much of a strong little man you are. I know you are taking care of me, papi, your sisters and Jaxin. ...