4th Trimester Bodies

I have been following the 4th Trimester Project by Photographer Ashlee Wells for quite some time. I love her mission and her message for not just women & mothers - but for everyone who comes across her pages. When I saw that she was coming to Tampa - I knew I had to jump at this opportunity. Oliver was my first [still] born son. He made me a mother. I still have feelings of guilt upon my body - but I am working on that. By putting myself out there - sharing not only Oliver's story - but OUR story - is what is helping me on this path of healing. Oliver was still born at 34 weeks and 5 days. At 12 weeks we learned of his fatal illness. Though I am hard on my body for Oliver not being here today - I need to remind myself daily - that my body showed Oliver a safe place here on Earth - with nothing but pure love. Oliver was a baby boy - that continued to surprise the doctors at each appointment. Making it 34 weeks and 5 days - was beyond what anyone expected. We did th...