This Time Last Year

One year ago yesterday, a Thursday night around 7:30 pm, I took a pregnancy test. It was the first month we were trying. It was the day my expected period was due. The odds were I wasn't pregnant. I took the test on a whim. I screamed when I saw the positive. I was alone at home. Andrew was at a friends house. I called my mom, my best friend at the time, and my gay. Two out of three of those people are still in my life. I didn't want to tell Andrew over the phone or via text. When he got home, he was shocked to say the least. He said "you said it wouldn't happen this fast." I honestly didn't think it would. I miscarried when I was 17 years old. Since then I have had irregular periods and been diagnosed with PCOS. They doctors told me I don't ovulate every month with the expectation that when I wanted to get pregnant, fertility pills would probably be the route we would need to go. I told those who knew, not to tell anyone because of my past and ovarian iss...