I am a mother, and so much more.
I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am daughter-in-law. I am a little sister. I am a big sister. I am a sister-in-law. I am a cousin. I am an aunt. I am a Godmother. I am a Goddaughter. I am a niece. I am a grand-daughter. I am a Christian. I am a woman. I am a Puerto-Rican. I am a friend. I am pro-life. I am a writer. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am a comedian. I am a skeptic. I am sarcastic. I am harsh. I am realistic. I am faithful. I am a believer. I am tattooed. I am a college graduate. I am a pet parent. I am an observer. I am sensitive. I am proud. I am loved. I am happy. I am sad. I am broken-hearted. I am a fighter. I am a chef. I am a bargainer. I am an artist. I am loud. I am terrified. I am fearful. I am loyal. I am a loss mom.
That being said, I am all of these things. Yet, I have lost so many because no one knows what to say. Everyone has hardships, but that doesn't define that person or make that the only topic available. I have lost so many because people don't want to upset me or to make things awkward.
I am Oliver's Mom.
That is my most important role.
My son is my biggest accomplishment.
That being said, I am all of these things. Yet, I have lost so many because no one knows what to say. Everyone has hardships, but that doesn't define that person or make that the only topic available. I have lost so many because people don't want to upset me or to make things awkward.
Make things awkward for who?
Certainly not me.
Certainly not me.
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