Happy 1st Birthday {10.25.13}

Dear Oliver, Happy 1st Birthday. I am in shock that it has been a year since I got to see your beautiful face and hold your precious little body. You were 3lbs,15 oz, 15.5 inches long and born at 5:49pm. We spent 34 weeks and 5 days together. In that short time, our bond became so strong. I know everything about you and I know that you are still with me. I know that you are a strong, brave, beautiful and amazing little boy. Strong and brave because you beat the odds. Because you didn't accept that timeline the doctors had set, because you stayed with me for as long as you could hold out for. Beautiful and amazing because you changed my life and changed my heart. You have made me a better person, a better mother, a better wife, a better daughter, a better friend. You have touched the lives of so many other people. I am so proud of all you have accomplished in your short life here on Earth. I know the celebration in Heaven is going to be wonderful. I wish that I could be with you, ...