34 Weeks & 5 Days
Today we are 34 weeks & 5 days pregnant with Olive Juanita. She is moving around like a wild little girl and today I appreciate that more than ever. 34 weeks & 5 days was how long I was able to carry Oliver, before it was time for him to go home. He blessed me with that time, and I am forever thankful to Him for giving me that time to bond with my beautiful son. It is still such a loud memory in my head, when the perinatologist told me that he wouldn't make it passed 16 weeks. When he actually referred to my son as "it" . His exact words when I asked why I came in again so early after my last appointment were "to see if it was alive." Before I became pregnant, that word didn't affect me. Because I didn't realize how it affected the parents. Hearing someone refer to my child as an "it" was so hurtful. As that appointment ended, I let that doctor know, I would not be returning to his office. I would so much like to let him know th...