34 Weeks & 5 Days

Today we are 34 weeks & 5 days pregnant with Olive Juanita. She is moving around like a wild little girl and today I appreciate that more than ever.

34 weeks & 5 days was how long I was able to carry Oliver, before it was time for him to go home. He blessed me with that time, and I am forever thankful to Him for giving me that time to bond with my beautiful son.

It is still such a loud memory in my head, when the perinatologist told me that he wouldn't make it passed 16 weeks. When he actually referred to my son as "it". His exact words when I asked why I came in again so early after my last appointment were "to see if it was alive." 

Before I became pregnant, that word didn't affect me. Because I didn't realize how it affected the parents. Hearing someone refer to my child as an "it" was so hurtful. As that appointment ended, I let that doctor know, I would not be returning to his office. I would so much like to let him know that my SON was beautiful, and yes he may have passed, but he beat the odds that he was given, and that is a true miracle.

I know that her moving in there so much today, despite how little room she has left, is a gift from my little boy & his baby sister. My babies are making me feel much better knowing that she is healthy,safe and working towards meeting her Mommy & Daddy.


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