Dear Oliver -
It is amazing how so many things can change in such a small amount of time. We found out we were pregnant on a Thursday, went to the doctor and heard your heartbeat a week later. Normally, they make you wait, but because I miscarried a sibling of yours years prior they wanted to check me out right away. About 2 weeks later, your Dad and I went to another appointment and were told that everything looked great. You were about 10 weeks along at that point. They asked if we wanted the genetic testing at 12 weeks and we declined because we thought that nothing could go wrong. I changed my mind a week later because I wanted more pictures of you in my belly and I made the appointment. It didn't take but a second for the sonographer to see something was wrong. This was supposed to be a fun ultrasound appointment to get more pictures. My heart instantly broke, my greatest fear came true, that at some point you wouldn't be with us for as long as we wanted you to. From that point on we prayed and prayed that everything these doctors were saying was a mistake. That we would be the exception, that we would fall into the 10% chance of survival. We tried to enjoy every second with you, I know you heard us cry a lot, we tried not to. We wanted you to only know happiness. I miss you so much.
As each day passes our love continues to grow yet our hearts remain broken
Until we meet again, we love you Oliver
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