The month of November has been a very busy month for us. We were adjusting to Oliver being a 2 year old in Heaven, Olive becoming a very fast crawler and wanting to stand up on everything and taking her first steps, my sister moving back home, planning her wedding, and getting ready for all of Olive's first holidays, and Jaxin finally understanding and practicing his Christmas list. In our crazy month and life, full of love and beautiful chaos, when we got a positive pregnancy test, we were almost in disbelief. This was unplanned, shocking, but happy and exciting moment. 6 tests later and finally it set in. We were pregnant and the planning began. Baby Suarez # 3 would be on there way and our lives were changing again. The normal nerves set in. This would be my 4th pregnancy. Miscarriage, Oliver (stillborn), Olive (our Rainbow), and this new baby. I knew that there were the obvious risks, but was trying to stay as positive as possible. We made it through Thanksgiving without...