August & the Amnio

Today I went to the doctor – for what I thought would be a quick check for the heart beat and be on my way. The doctor appointments have been every two weeks to check on the heartbeat. This appointment turned into a 3 hour appointment – with 1 hour of waiting. Horrible. Then the doctor checked for his heart beat, super irregular and sporadic. I am still measuring fine. She said if we wait til birth to gather cells – they may not be viable and we may not be able to have any answers as to what is going on. So we talked about an amnio – again. I decided to do it and we did that about 15 minutes later. However – with this – they took all the fluid I had left. I had barely any as it was. I am a little sore in the belly, had a contraction after they were done. Decided to go to work anyway because I didn't want to sit at home and just think about everything all day. I just sit at work on the computer anyway, so the doctor said it wouldn't be a risk to go.
I wish the results from the amnio were immediate. I do not like waiting on things especially in this case. About 2 weeks until the results – and I will have my bi weekly appointment by then. I felt him move a lot after the amnio – so that made me happy. Praying that it all works out the way it is intended to. 

Saw the doctor today. The amnio came back normal. Which is good for future pregnancies, but doesn’t give us any answers for Oliver. Heart beat is still there. Another check up in 2 weeks.

These results make me feel hopeful for Oliver. I know what his diagnosis is and one part of me understands what will eventually happen, where the other side of me - is praying and hoping the doctors are wrong and we won't experience the heartbreak we are preparing for. 

Hopefully after birth we can figure out what is exactly wrong with his kidneys and bladder. And if the dandy walker has an affect on the health issues. 


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