October - Almost there

Had a scare today.  Haven’t felt him move since last night. :/ Made an emergency appointment to check on him. He still has a heartbeat. Thank God. They said I won’t  be feeling him move like before. The kicks and moves wont be as strong and the way he is positioned he hits towards my back. Makes me sad since I want to feel him all the time and now I will have to work to feel him. I am glad he is still here, being a trooper about it. This was a horrible couple of hours.

Bi-weekly appointment yesterday.

His heart is still beating strong <3. I am still measuring normal – so he is still growing. Despite him being behind in growth – he keeps growing so far. My appointments will now be weekly and they will do a sono next week to check his growth, see how much he weighs. 34 weeks now and she said if we get close to  38-39 weeks, she will talk about inducing.

Kind of annoying/I don’t know what she meant by this: She said “well if he makes it then..we will talk about that if we get there” She didn't finish her thought and that bothered me. I would have liked to know what she was thinking. Ugh. I still feel him move and that makes me happy for now. Praying and hoping. 


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